Manga Volume 10 of Dimensional Seduction manga series.
カフェで翠理ら生徒会役員と漫研の女性陣がコスプレしてダンスステージを披露することとなり、共同で作業を進めていく中、まりなが体調不良で学校を休む。彼女の家へ見舞いに行った奥村とリリサは、まりなが隠れオタクであったことを知る。教育ママである母親の期待に合わせて自らを「良き娘」「優秀な副会長」と偽り、嘘をついて生きてきたと自虐するまりなに対し、理由もなく人に優しくできるまりなだからこそ、好きになったと奥村は告げる。奥村の言葉に勇気をもらったまりなは、翠理や書記の龍造寺 虎治郎、漫研の面々に自分の趣味を明かし、本当の自分として舞台に立ちたいと宣言する。一同もこれに賛同し、準備は順調に進む。そして文化祭当日、カフェのセッティングは無事完了し、あとは文化祭が始まるのを待つばかりとなったとき、突然の地震でアクアリウム同好会の水槽が壊れるというトラブルが起こってしまう。彼らを放って出し物に出ることはできないというまりなのため、一同で事態収拾にあたる。やがてトラブルは解決したもののカフェのステージ開催予定時間は過ぎ、もう客はいないはずと落胆する一同だったが、参加予定がなかった美花莉がコスプレして接客していたことで、カフェは満席状態だった。この機を逃すまいと一同は衣装に着替え、ステージを開始。見に来ていたまりなの母親は娘の変貌に混乱し、目を背けようとするが、同行していたまりなの父親の言葉と、何より壇上で歌うまりなの姿に心を打たれ、自分の考えが間違っていたことに気付く。
At the café, Suiri and other student council officers and the female members of the manga club will perform a dance performance in cosplay. When Okumura and Ririsa visit her house, she learns that Marina was her secret otaku. In order to meet the expectations of her mother, who is an educated mother, she pretends to be a "good daughter" and an "excellent vice president", and self-deprecates herself by saying that she has lied and lived her life . Okumura tells us that it has become. Marina, who received her courage from Okumura's words, reveals her hobbies to Suri, her secretary, Torajiro Ryuzoji , and everyone at her manga club, saying that she wants to stand on stage as her true self. declares. Everyone agrees, and the preparations proceed smoothly. On the day of the school festival, the café was successfully set up, and just when all that was left to do was wait for the school festival to begin, a sudden earthquake broke the tanks of the aquarium club . Mari says she can't leave them alone and go to the show, so they work together to settle the situation. Eventually, the trouble was resolved, but the scheduled time for the cafe's stage to be held passed, and everyone was disappointed that there should be no more customers. was in a state Not to miss this opportunity, everyone changed into costumes and started the stage. Marina's mother, who has come to see her, is confused by her daughter's transformation and tries to turn away her eyes, but she is moved by the words of Marina's father, who was accompanying her, and above all, by the sight of Marina singing on the stage. After being hit, she realizes that she was wrong.